The industry leader in

Partner Revenue Operations.

Monitor, measure and improve the ROI of all your channel, alliance and partner relationships.


Intelligent, purpose-built solution designed to bridge the gap between partner operations, revenue operations, and finance operations.

Purpose-built Innovation

Streamline operations with purpose built post-sale, back-office revenue workflows that connect the functional silos between marketing, partner, sales, and finance teams.

Comprehensive Value Management

Unify management of all aspects of shared value, both paid and collected, including partner fees, commissions, revenue shares, and non-monetary rewards like loyalty points and training credits.

System of Intelligence

Link and analyze order, consumption, and partner compensation data to unlock insights that boost revenue, profits, ROI and most importantly cash flow for partner-sourced revenue

SETTL enhances your revenue operations by leveraging our system of intelligence to streamline and optimize your workflow.

Game-changing operations automation.

SETTL is recognized as the leading solution for Partner Revenue Operations (PRO). SETTL PRO automates key post-sale and back-office revenue workflows, optimizes operations and speeds communication for marketing, partner, sales, and finance teams. With SETTL, organizations that employ B2B2X business models create a system of intelligence to make smart and informed decisions that drive more meaningful and profitable partnerships.


Purpose-built Innovation

Add the missing partner revenue operations function and see it drastically reduce the time and resources needed to refer, co-sell, resell, cross-sell or deliver products and services through a third-party. Seamlessly monitor, measure and increase partner-based revenue.

Comprehensive Value Management

Elevate your business operations as you automate and scale with automation purpose-built to enable and operate in a marketplace ecosystem. Unify management of all partner disbursement, both paid and collected. Enable finance teams to easily adapt to support loyalty points and credits along with commissions and rebates.

System of Intelligence

Empower leadership teams with a system of intelligence that offers a consolidated view to drive profitable growth. Integrate and analyze order, consumption, and partner compensation data to enable partner teams with real-time, contextual insights to refine profitability, margins alongside topline for partner-sourced revenue.

Free up your team to focus on driving revenue and building scale.

Learn how our intelligent, purpose-built automation bridges the gap between partner operations, revenue operations, and finance operations.

  • “Today, to be competitive, a well-designed partner strategy and program along with highly efficient partner operations is mission-critical or companies of all sizes in all industries."

    JAY McBAIN, Chief Analyst,
    Channels, Partnerships & Ecosystems, Canalys

  • “SETTL empowers us to scale our business with its near zero touch automation of the process from partner sign-up all through receiving our revenue share.”

    DANIEL O’NEIL, CEO, PrivacyLabs

  • "We now have real-time visibility into our revenue flow, freeing up significant operational time to enable greater focus on growth.”

    ALYA STEPHEN, COO, Sorted Services

Build a meaningful and profitable partnership ecosystem.

Begin your partner revenue operations journey today.